Lisboa: a capital das Sete Colinas

Vista aérea de Lisboa

Provavelmente se você está pensando em visitar Portugal, Lisboa deve ser sua primeira paragem. Além de ser a maior cidade do país, Lisboa, a capital, é uma cidade que se estende por sete colinas à beira do Rio Tejo. A cidade não só possui mais de mil anos de história, mas também cultura e belezas arquitetônicas do período romano. Então borá saber o motivo dessa cidade atrair tantos turistas todos os anos e dar dicas do que fazer em suas férias

História e Cultura de Lisboa

Castelo de São Jorge

Lisboa é uma cidade enraizada na história. Passeie pelas ruas estreitas do bairro de Alfama, um dos bairros mais antigos da cidade, e você sentirá a atmosfera medieval. O Castelo de São Jorge, situado no topo de uma colina, oferece vistas panorâmicas da cidade e é um testemunho da herança histórica da cidade.

A cultura de Lisboa é marcada pelo fado, um gênero de música melancólica que é uma parte intrínseca da identidade portuguesa. Você pode assistir a uma apresentação ao vivo de fado em muitos dos restaurantes e bares da cidade.

Certamente você vai se deparar por diversos guias falando sobre a cidade e te oferecendo passeios de Tuk-Tuk, não recomendo, muito caro.


Mosteiro dos Jerónimos

A arquitetura de Lisboa é uma combinação de estilos, desde edifícios históricos ornamentados até estruturas modernas. O Mosteiro dos Jerónimos e a Torre de Belém são dois exemplos notáveis do estilo manuelino, enquanto a Fundação Champalimaud é um ícone da arquitetura contemporânea. Você também vai ouvir pessoas falando do terremoto, tsunami e incêndio que destruiu a cidade em 1755.

Torre de Belém


Pastel de Nata

A culinária lisboeta é uma experiência para os sentidos. Não deixe de provar o famoso pastel de nata. Os restaurantes locais servem pratos tradicionais, como o bacalhau à brás, e os frutos-do-mar frescos são abundantes. Aos alérgicos a ovos e frutos-do-mar, de antemão peço que fiquem atentos a composição dos pratos, pergunte sempre. Lembrando que, aqui, o menu se chama ementa. E não se espante se os atendente mandarem você ir embora por não fazer reservas de mesa. Em Portugal é comum reservar mesmo em restaurantes simples.


Lisboa oferece uma variedade de atividades. Passeie pelas ruas de paralelepípedos do Bairro Alto, conhecido por sua vida noturna, ou pegue um bonde histórico para um passeio pitoresco pelas colinas. Se você é amante de museus, o Museu Nacional do Azulejo e o Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga são imperdíveis. Dese modo, para não perderem viagem. Indico que façam uma pesquisada antes na internet para saber horário de funcionamento e se precisa fazer reservas e comprar tickets antecipados.

Dicas para Viagem

Bonde histórico
  • Melhor época para visitar: A primavera e o outono oferecem clima agradável e menos turistas. (Além das passagens, serem mais baratas)
  • Transporte: Use os tradicionais bondes e teleféricos para explorar as colinas de Lisboa. (Se puder andar, aproveite)
  • Leve dinheiro: existem diversos lugares que não aceitam cartão de crédito, principalmente cartões internacionais.

Em suma, espero que tenham gostado desse resumo sobre a cidade mais famosa de Portugal. Além disso, sugiro que pesquisem bem antes de virem visitar quais serão as atividades, alojamentos, transportes e afins que desejam. Uma viagem bem planejada é uma viagem tranquila. Se precisar de ajuda, podem me chamar no instagram.

The best park in Zagreb, Maksimir

Maksimir Park is the oldest public park in Zagreb, Croatia. It forms part of the city’s cultural heritage and is a habitat for many different plant and animal species. If you want to know more about this city you show read why I went there, in Next stop, Zagreb. Here I told the reason why I choose to travel and what you need to know to visit the capital of Croatia.

Maksimir History

Founded in 1787, Maksimir Park was the first large public park in South-Eastern Europe, and predates the majority of Europe’s public park foundings. The park was opened in 1794  under the initiative of the man for whom it was named, Bishop Maksimilijan Vrhovac of Zagreb. At that time, the park was located on the outskirts of the city, although today it is surrounded by many of the city’s neighborhoods.

Nature in Maksimir

If you are looking for a place to walk and feel like you are into the medieval age, Maksimir is the best park in Zagreb for it. The part of the park next to the city there is some playground areas for children, grass to play with you dog, make a picnic… but as you walk along the paths through the trees, the scenery changes.

In the middle of the park there is the main street and in the end a big bar/coffee to drink something, form this part on you will walk to big open areas and then start the closed florets with paths like from past century. You will feel like in a movie. Besides you will see 3 lakes. 1 small and 2 biges. The view is wonderful, probably you will meet some turtles, ducks and a bunch of birds who lives in Maksimir.

The birds in the small lake

Buildings in Maksimir

1 – Obelisk

The pyramid-shaped monument is the work of sculptor Joseph Käschmann, who Archbishop Juraj Haulik had erected in 1843 in the Dahlia Valley as part of the completion of work in Maksimir Park. Three larger laurel wreaths made of bronze are installed on the square base at the rear and to the left and right. In the pyramidal part of the monument on each side are built four smaller laurel wreaths also made of bronze.

2 – Echo Pavilion

Also known as the Latern Temple , is a pavilion in Maksimir Park , built after 1840 according to a design by Franz Schücht .The pavilion was built in honor of the goddess Echo , so it successfully repels sounds , after which it got its name. The public institution “Maksimir” renovated the pavilion in 2001.

3 – Chapel of St. George in Maksimir

This neo-Gothic chapel, popularly called “crikvica”, was built in the period from 1862 to 1864 , on an elevated site near Haulik’s summer house. The base of the chapel is in the shape of a cross with short transept wings and a polygonal sanctuary. The walls are made of brick and the structural parts of stone . The façade with a portal to which a tall window with a pointed arch continues ends in a transept . The other two large windows on the wings are transepts . The roof was covered with slate

4 – Swiss house

The Swiss house , also known as the “Tyrolean house”, is a one-story house in the Maksimir forest park. It was built according to a design by Franz Schücht , from 1841 to the autumn of 1842 . The ground floor is made of hewn stone, and the first floor is made of roughly hewn oak beams, surrounded by a wooden balcony supported by four wooden beams. There is also a balcony under the eaves. The two-part roof is covered with slate.

5 – Lookout Kiosk

The Kiosk lookout tower in Maksimir Park was built in the period from 1841 to 1843 , according to a design by Franz Schücht. The most prominent object is in the park, the center from which the roads fork, around which the main parts of the park are gathered. It is a stereometric two-storey building 17 meters high, with a square floor plan on the ground floor surrounded by a porch above which is a terrace. 

6 – Sokolska mogila in Maksimir

Sokolska mogila in the park-forest Maksimir is a memorial mound, built in 1925 . That year, the thousandth anniversary of the Croatian kingdom was celebrated throughout Croatia, and this was one of the buildings erected on that occasion. Narrow steps lead to the top of the mound. At the top is a stone monument with a statue of a falcon with outstretched wings. Around the mound is a narrow spiral path to the top. 

7 – Birch gazebo

Fisherman’s hut a wooden hut built from 1853 to 1862. A place to stay beside the lake to see the nature, animals and the perfect view of the lake. Made of bamboo and wood, its architecture resembles an old chapel.e of woods the ar

This place is wonderful, if you travel to Zagreb you have to visit this place and feel the fresh air. Walk to feel the peace. Take a look in the Where to stay in Zagreb and discovered a great place to stay. Croatia is a amazing country.

Tell me if you like this kind of park, if you already know this place…see you soon.

Where to stay in Zagreb?

Hi guys!

If yoIf you entered this post at random, I’m doing a series on Zagreb. At the post Next stop, Zagreb I was talking about why a choose to came to this city and some good stuffs to make you go there too. But on this posts I gonna talk about a good question Where to stay in Zagreb?

When you go to another city or country you need to stay in a good, safe and nice place, in preference paying low prices, and my suggestion is – stay in an Airbnb.


Probability you know what is Airbnb, but if you don’t I tell you. Is a website where you can book rooms, apartments, houses, hotel room or a hostel space. Yeah, there are several options for you to choose where you want to stay. Open create an account and start your search to you best place to stay.

Airbnb homepage

In Airbnb you can search a place using filters to select the best option for you, for exemplo, you can only see place with air-conditional, or laundry machine, or places for long trips, in downtown, outskirts or wherever you want.

Mansion Hallenbach

When I decided to go to Zagreb I did everything I mentioned above, and the universe send me to an amazing place, The Mansion Hallenbach. If you try to search using this name you not gonna find anything because I created this name from the last name of my hostler Alex Hallenbach.

Door of the room

The house in a big one if tow floors, downstairs lived Alex and his lovely girlfriend Petra and I was upstairs. In the house you have space to cook, rest, wash you clothes, feel the fresh air at the balcony or just stay at the big room.


Mansion Hallenbach is next to the most famous park at Zagreb, The Park Maksimir, close to downtown, supermarket, coffee shops and in a good localization to get train or bus to go to the museums, churches or shopping mall.

Alex Hallenbach is one of the most polite and receptive person I’ve ever met. Always available to help, teach or just spend a nice time. He helps me with the trains to go downtown, where I could bought cheep food and a lot of stuffs I asked him.

The place smells of history, some objects that make up the bedroom furniture are heirlooms from the Hallenbach family.The bed, the mirror and the chest are pieces from the last century and make the room very special. On the balcony you have an incredible view with trees and can enjoy the sunrise and sunset.

Click here to book Mansion Hallenbach

The Chest
The balcony view


me, my mother, Petra and Alex

If you want to go to Zagreb, you should research to a good place, with good people to help you, see what do you need to a better trip and how to make it easy to spend this days of out you home. Airbnb is too safe for rent a place, I suggest you to talk with you hostler and discovered the place before arrive to make you days more easy. I love my days at the Mansion Hallenbach, Alex and Petra are incredible humans and found new friends there for my hole life. You should go to Zagreb.

And you, have already use Airbnb? What was your experience? Tell me and if you want to see more photos open my instagram profile @rodrigirao15.

Next Stop, Zagreb

Hi guys.

Everybody knows that I love to travel and discovered new places and If you follow me on instagram you have already saw some stories I had made in Zagreb, Croatia. I spent some days in the capital of Croatia to relax and discover this amazing city. Let’s start, next stop, Zagreb!

Croatian Society of Fine Artists

Why Zagreb?

All of my friends asked me, why Zagreb? In the middle of coronavirus pandemic most of the countries are closed with you are flying from Brazil. I had been working in Home Office since 2019 and it had been a long time since I went on vacation to take a long trip and be able to really rest and recharge my energy. I made a research and saw the it was possible to travel to Croatia, was open for turism. In the middle of my researches I saw a lots of stuffs about the country on Google and see how beautiful is Zagreb. That’s when I decided, next stop, Zagreb!


What to do before flight?

Make a internacional trip it’s not easy, in pandemic times, very difficult but I needed that trip.

The first step was check all the rules and papers I needed to travel and than decided when I will be flight, so let’s make the check list. When you choose to travel to Europe you will need I passport, round-trip tickets, health insurance, PCR-Test and money. The passport must be valid for more than 6 months after the return date, so check the dates of you passport.

At the airport, on the Emigration they will ask you the day you will arrive back to Brazil, so buy both tickets and think about how many days you want o stay because of the follow itens.

The number of days you want to stay abroad will determine how many days you have to buy for the heath insurance and how much money will you have to take. The heath insurance need to start at the day you departure and finish when you arrive at Brazil, so think about this for not have problems and you need to check about money too.

Each country determines a minimum amount of money for each day you will stay in the country. So it’s important to get some money with you to show in the Emigration in case of they ask you to see the real money.

About Zagreb

Zagreb is the capital of Croatia with 806,341 of population. Although it is a big city, Zagreb is not like São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, in this case, we have a calm, peaceful and clean city. And when I say clean I mean not finding garbage on the streets.

The water is drinkable and fresh from several sources around the city. People living in Croatia are proud of their water and offering tourists to fill their water bottles.

Park Zrinjevac

When you are at the town you have some squares in downtown with green areas and others with water sources creating scene to take a lot of pictures. There ares beautiful churches, the most famous St. Mark’s Church where there is a colorful mosaic on the ceiling.

St. Mark’s Church

If you are looking for a place to travel in a different way of the normal routes, Zagreb should be your place. I really like the city, the people and the weather. I felt very safe and welcomed by the local people, they are very welcoming and try to help you. I visited some beautiful areas and saw greatest squares and parks and churches, everything was perfect. I want to go back there someday.

#PrideMonth – Safest countries for LGBTQIA+

Hi guy, what’s up?

In order to continue the themes about the Pride Month, I’m here to show you what’s the safest countries in the world for LGBTQIA+

We know that Brasil is not a safe place if you are a LGBTQIA+ and now a days we have a government that share a lot of hate for all of us, because of this who have a good conditions and money leave this country in order to live in a safest place.

The classification of a country as safe for the LGBTQIA+ community takes into account the following requirements:

  • legalization of same-sex marriage;
  • right to adoption;
  • laws to protect and protect worker;
  • rights for trans people;
  • intersex rights;
  • criminalization of violence and intolerance against LGBTQI+ people.


Number one, containing anti-discrimination laws, legalization of marital union, permission for adoption, recognition of trans rights, LGBT marketing – in addition to not having, in general, none of the negative aspects, such as travel restrictions for HIV-positive people, religious influence, intolerance and others .


Although the country is not in the top 5 of Spartacus’ list, the country has legalized same-sex relationships since 1972, and it also allows marriage, adoption, and anti-discrimination laws. However, until 2019, sterilization in transgender people was mandatory.


Listed third in the ranking, Sweden has the same aspects as Canada, in addition to having an excellent Human Development Index of 0.945 (data from the year 2019).


As in Finland, relations between LGBTQI+ have been legally recognized since 1972, in addition to having specific laws against intersex discrimination. They also allow marriage, adoption, as long as the couple is officially joined by law.


The relationship between LGBT+ people has been allowed since 1940, in addition to containing laws on trans rights, intersex, anti-discrimination, allowing marriage and adoption. Marketing to LGBTQI+ audiences, however, is not legally required.


With almost the same criteria that Iceland has, the oceanic country is in the thirteenth line of the ranking, having the difference that trans cannot serve in the army.

The list also includes other countries such as Malta, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Colombia and Switzerland in the dark green band, which indicates the most LGBTQI+ friendly territories possible.

If you are think about to travel or moving to another country, I suggest you to check this list and consider all the point.

Tell me what do you think about and share with your friends